Next Pomona Swap Meet: April 13, 2025
  • Event Info

    Rain or shine, we swap! For the best shopping, swapping and auto viewing, we recommend arriving early. Remember, "the early bird gets the worm." The Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show is a one-day event held at Fairplex in the City of Pomona, California.


    Event Hours:     5am to 2pm

    Event Location: 1101 W McKinley Avenue,
    Pomona, CA 91768

  • Vendors

    Do you have car parts from a restoration project lying around? Are you cleaning out your garage and need to get rid of spare parts, old tools, or other auto related items? Or do you have a car related business with lots of stuff you want to get rid of and turn into cash? If so, you should become a vendor at the Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show!


  • Car Corral

    Bring your classic car to our next show, park in the middle of the action, and see for yourself why Pomona is the best place to sell your classic car or truck. Since 1975, hundreds of thousands of classic cars & trucks have come and gone through the gates of the Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show.



  • Photos & Blog

    Looking for show news? Want a good read on automotive DIY? Check out our blog and photos to keep up with the latest and greatest from Pomona. You’ll find tips and tricks of the trade!

  • About

    PSM Events, Inc. presents seven giant automotive swap meets every year that have become known as the "West Coast's Largest" antique auto, Corvette, Porsche, street rod, and Volkswagen swap meet and classic car show. The Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show is the ultimate classic car event, and gives you the opportunity to turn your classic car, parts, and automobilia into cash!

  • Classifieds

    The Pomona Classifieds brings the Pomona Swap Meet to your living room. Search for automotive parts and services, or hunt for the perfect hot rod, muscle car, or classic collectible to fill the empty space in your garage! You can also create an ad to sell your parts and cars for FREE!


6 Adjustments You Forgot About on Your Vintage Car

BY KYLE SMITH / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED July 12, 2024 / HAGERTY Cars, especially vintage ones, were built with a certain amount of regular maintenance in mind. As our daily drivers slip further and further into the black hole that is things like “lifetime transmission fluid” and items that require more calibration than actual maintaining, it ...

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Old tires might not be as dangerous as you think—if you store them correctly

BY Kyle Smith / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED November 5, 2021 / HAGERTY / Of all the parts of your car that deteriorate from literally existing, tires are the most talked about. Ask a dozen folks at your cars-and-coffee group about tire age and you’ll somehow get 14 differing opinions about how seriously to take the aging ...

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This 1959 Chevrolet Impala Transformed From Worn to Wonderful

BY BOB SALNIC / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED March 23, 2021 / HAGERTY / In 2009, I answered a Craigslist ad for a 1959 Impala, a car that had sat unloved, outside, for 46 years in the Tri-Cities area of eastern Washington. The car had been owned by the seller’s son, who joined the Navy in 1963. Upon ...

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5 Tips To Stay Organized In The Garage

BY KYLE SMITH / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED OCTOBER 15, 2020 / HAGERTY / The thrill of making progress assembling your DIY project can quickly be overshadowed by the frustration of a missing part or piece of hardware that you’re pretty sure you set down right there. Despite how confident we all are in our memory and ...

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What Causes a Squeaky Belt on a Car?

BY MIKE HAGERTY / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 12, 2020 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / What’s that sound? Your vehicle, which usually purrs like a kitten, has started squeaking like a mouse. If it happens when your car is running, but not moving, it’s most likely an issue with a belt. What Causes a Squeaky Belt ...

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Have You Checked Your Battery Hold-Down Lately?

Car Battery with Hold Down

BY MIKE HAGERTY / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED JANUARY 24, 2020 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / You already know that your car’s battery is essential — you’re not going anywhere without that power. So, you probably check the terminals to make sure they’re staying free of corrosion and replace the battery when it’s worn out. But when ...

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3 Signs of a Radiator Leak That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Green Puddle of Coolant Under Car

BY BENJAMIN HUNTING / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED DECEMBER 5, 2018 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / A radiator leak is a fairly serious problem to have with any vehicle. While it might be tempting to just keep adding coolant to the top-up line and continue driving, your car or truck’s cooling system has one of the most ...

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Noisy Brakes: Telltale Signs of Trouble You Shouldn’t Ignore

Ford F150 Wheel With Power Stop Z36 Drilled & Slotted Brake Rotor & Pads

BY MATTHEW C. KEEGAN / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 14, 2019 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / Wouldn’t it be great if our cars told us when something is wrong? In a way, they already do. Modern cars have instrument panels with dozens of symbols and warning indicators. These notify you of basic issues, like the windshield ...

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10 Tips For Changing Spark Plugs

Two New Spark Plugs

BY BLAIR LAMPE / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / Old and failing spark plugs can cause a host of problems in your engine, and it should be expected that you’ll have to change them at least a few times during the life of a vehicle. Luckily, it’s a pretty straightforward DIY that ...

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How to Remove a Stuck Oil Filter: Tricks of the Trade

Oil Filter Wrenches

BY BLAIR LAMPE / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AUGUST 28, 2019 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / Changing your oil filter (and oil, of course) is the cornerstone of responsible engine maintenance. But what happens when you go to do the thing and your oil filter is uncooperative? If you know how to remove a stuck oil filter ...

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Rising Gas Prices: How to Conserve Fuel Without Spending a Fortune

Fuel Gauge Showing Empty

BY MATTHEW C. KEEGAN / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED APRIL 24, 2019 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / Gas prices go up and gas prices go down. This constant seesaw can put a wrinkle in any budget, leading consumers to carefully consider their next vehicle. But purchasing a new car isn’t always a practical or an affordable solution ...

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What is HOAT Coolant? 4 Things You Need To Know

What is hybrid organic acid technology (HOAT) coolant and which brand is the best OAT and IAt to use for mopar and mixing?

BY BLAIR LAMPE / ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED JUNE 27, 2019 / NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ASSOCIATION / Engines are complex machines with rapidly moving metal parts and small clearances. And as such, they generate a lot of heat. You already know that coolant is an integral part of keeping your engine from exploding, and you probably also know that ...

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