The Nu Minis: LA Style Mini Trucks Are Back!
May 22, 2019

When it comes to automotive history, every decade adds it’s own chapter to the story. On Sunday, June 2nd, the Pomona Swap Meet is happy to be showcasing an important part of SoCal’s car culture from the 1980s. That’s right… the Nu Minis Truck Club will be posted up on the Main Aisle in our Classic Car Corral!
The Nu Minis (@NuMinis_SoCal) feature “LA style” mid 80s to early 90s import mini trucks (think Nissan 720s, Mazda B Series trucks, and Toyota SR5s). The Nu Minis only have one chapter, but they’ve got sixteen active members bringing some serious 80s nostalgia wherever they go!
The Club got its start in 1985 when two friends, Joe Barcena and Danny Galvez, got into the hobby. But, as often happens, the Club took a hiatus as members grew up, started families, and a lot of the trucks got sold or put into storage. It wasn’t just the Nu Minis… the whole mini truck scene pretty much died off in the mid 90s. Fortunately, with the help of club members and friends like Eric Takushi (@ETImages), Marlon Pineda (@NuMinisMarlon), and Patty Pineda (@PattyPinedaPhotos), the Nu Minis have made a strong comeback!
If you’re interested in joining the Club, they’re always looking for Nu members. The basic requirements for membership are easy: you just need a 1984-1994 import mini truck (Nissan, Toyota, or Mazda) that’s old school LA style and period correct (no air bags, no wire wheels, and no wheels over 15″).
The mini truck scene is back with a vengeance and we couldn’t be happier. We love all classic cars and trucks in Pomona, and you never know what you’re going to see out here. We wouldn’t want it any other way! Come join us and the Nu Minis on Sunday, June 2nd… it’s going to be a good day!
If you’re a car club member and you would like your club to enjoy a free day at a future Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show, please contact Adam by email or at (714) 538-7091.
[…] The folks at the Pomona swap meet this week highlighted the NuMinis club, dedicated to maintaining the ’80s and ’90s […]
Hello I’m hector, just picked up a 84 Nissan pick up and looking to get her all done. I grew up in that scene in Los Angeles california, bell high school and Roosevelt scene. Hope to join one of your events soon as I get my truck looking good. Thank you.