5 Signs You Have a Blown Head Gasket (and How To Prevent It)
May 14, 2018

A blown head gasket is bad news. Very bad news. If you think yours is going it requires immediate attention. A head gasket can fail about 7 slightly different ways, which we told you about recently, and all of which are bad news for the engine. If there is a sweet smelling white cloud following behind you at all times, you may have a bad head gasket.
Typically head gaskets fail when the head and the engine expend at different rates, and the gasket can’t seal the newly expanded gap. This issue is made worse on some motors which use an iron cylinder block and an aluminum head. And some motors are just designed with poor clamping force from the head bolts, or have head prone to warping, and have a reputation for failure.
Once a head gasket has failed it can cause all manner of problems, including:
1) Overheating
A head gasket failure may have been caused by an engine overheating one too many times (as a result of clogged radiator, coolant leak, faulty fan, etc.), but a blown head gasket will also cause the engine to overheat too. Hot exhaust gases can leak into the cooling system, or coolant can leak into the cylinders and be burned off as steam, either way the end result is an overheating engine.
If the car is driven with while overheating it can also result in the alloy cylinder head warping, or steam can damage the catalytic convertor, adding significantly to the cost of repair.
2) Loss of power
If the head gasket fails in such a way it allows the compressed air/fuel to escape, the compression of that cylinder is reduced. This loss of compression results in a rough running engine and a notable reduction in engine power. This sort of failure typically is accompanied by a sound like an exhaust leak.
3) Oil contamination
One of the most famous signs of head gasket failure is the milky sludge on the underside of the oil filler cap or on the dipstick, sometime jokingly called a “milkshake”. This is caused by coolant getting into the oil, and vice versa. Although not conclusive proof of head gasket failure this is generally a good indicator, and is a sure sign your engine needs to come apart to find the source of contamination.
With antifreeze contaminating the oil, any driving will quickly ruin the engine’s bearings. Repair requires at least an engine oil flush as well as a replacement oil filter, and often times complete disassembly of the bottom end of the engine to ensure the bearings aren’t damaged, and clear out all contaminated oil.
4) White Smoke
A faulty head gasket most often results in large clouds of sweet smelling white smoke coming from the exhaust. This is caused by antifreeze leaking past the gasket and into the cylinders, where it is turned to steam as part of the combustion process. Less common, but still possible, is a leak from an oil passage to the cylinder, which would cause blueish smoke.
Either of these types of gasket failure will also allow combustion pressure into the cooling system, or oil breather system. If a radiator hose suddenly blows off its water outlet, or the dipstick won’t stay put, this could be the reason.
5) External leaks
If a head gasket has failed between the water or oil passage and the outside of the engine, the result can be a simple coolant or oil leak. This is the least dire version of a blown head gasket, but still serious.
This may not manifest itself as an immediate problem (other than causing a mess) but if the coolant level is allowed to drop too far, it can lead to serious engine issues. The other issue is that leaking oil could get on the hot exhaust leading to acrid smoke, and possibly fire.
Preventing Head Gasket Failures
A few dollars of prevention is much better than the several thousand dollar cure when it comes to head gaskets. The replacement head gasket itself is not expensive, but the repair is very labor intensive, which significantly increases the cost of repair, especially on modern cars.
Head gasket failures are usually caused by repeated overheating, or continuing to drive after the car has overheated, so the best way to prevent a head gasket failure is to ensure your cooling system is in good condition. And if your car does start to boil over, stop, let it cool for at least an hour, and refill the radiator before continuing.
Checking the cooling system is easy: Ensure there are no leaks, that the radiator is working efficiently, the thermostat opens properly, and the coolant is topped up to the correct level. Also make sure the fan (mechanical or electric) is working, has all of its blades, a,nd has a shroud around it to increase the efficiency.
If you suspect a head gasket failure, the scientific test is to check for combustion gasses in the cooling system. This test will show if the compression has leaked into the cooling system, and therefore if the head gasket has blown. The old mechanic’s trick is to take off the radiator cap, start the car, and look for bubbles in the coolant.
However, these will not show if there are any other failure spots in with the head gasket, so the absence of gasses in the cooling system does not guarantee a healthy head gasket.
Some older head gaskets can just fail because they are of a poor design, and are not robust enough for the application. This used to be more of an issue with older style, metal gaskets, which could only last for so many years of going from cold to hot with every start up before failing. Thankfully modern MLS (multiple layer steel) replacement gaskets are now available for most applications, and offer improved reliability over the original gasket design.
Photo Credit: Lancia Beta Blown Head Gasket IMAG0325 by Tony Harrison (CC BY-SA 2.0)
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This is a great forum btw
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I have a 2011 Nissan Altima, 98,000 miles on Her. took great care since go it new. hit a road kill and she started to run towards red line on gauge. so I was 3 miles from home. I drove it. next day, put antifreeze in it, drove her 5 miles to the garage to fix. no problem with it. drove as always, no sounds, good power, NO white smoke. started to over heat just as I got there. shut it off. well then, the mechanic tells Me, I have a blown head gasket. That car was running like new when I drove it there. do You think something is up? altogether the car was only run twice, three miles home, and six to garage? have read if it is driven quite a few times with it overheating before it happens? I am a senior lady. I think They are trying to take advantage of Me. Please help. TY.
tank u millions times i get z problem fiat heavy truck
I have a 2005 Honda Pilot and my car made a funny noise, I turned into the gas station turned it off and when tried to turn back on. It lost all power. The low tire pressure light came on and the battery light. Mechanic says that my alternator needed replacement. Had it replaced and there is a medal like sound coming from under the hood the battery light keeps coming back on. I a have an expensive 8month battery in the car. Mechanic now says the same day that I need a new gasket. My Ac works fine, no overheating, balance coolant
level, you barely see the smoking under the hood.
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A1994 Olds Cutlass Ciera 3.1—-6cyl. low mileage but used to let idle long time cause the transmission wouldn’t engage cold. Result: oil on dipstick began turning milky white. Stopped idling it until tranny could be fixed and milky oil returned to normal color. Runs good except when driving out of the driveway after a day or two parked you can hear a “knock” for a few seconds and then not again.
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Hi experts,
My question is after replacing head gasket will it effect engine performance.? Kindly reply my ans. I have Volkswagen vento tdi1.6 and facing same issue. Mechanic told me to replace gasket.
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Car is running as always with all its power, antifreeze is on the proper level and no leaks of fluids anywhere. Could be something else ? How long can I drive with a Blown head gasket ?
A well written tutorial.
I have a 2010 Ford explorer sport Trac unlimited and engine light is on and it is overheating I took to AutoZone to have it tested what popped up was coolant leak could it be because it could maybe have a cracked head or blown head gasket plz someone help me I am disable
my car is overhiting ,,i have changed my head gasket 3 times now ,,& im now suspecting da radiator clogged can dis be correct i hve replaced almost every coolant parts but same results ,, radiator here it needs replacement,/ to be flushed
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A helpful article
I have an 1990 Silverrodo Pickup with a blown head gasket ! The sign was over heating . I drained and flushed the radiator for start and still had the overheat problem so I replaced the thermostat and still had the problem so I come to the conclusion it had the blown head gasket am working on my truck now to fix the problem . Hope to have my baby running very soon .
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bmw with water leak replaced pump then thromostat then the top pip blew off and steem everywhere waited to cool down and refilled drove back about 10 mins, took to garage told radaitor and changed then water comming out bottom of the car and now told head gasget please help paid out alot of money alreay its an old series 3 76 reg thankyou
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Really helpful
My 05 Nissan Altima has been a real good car. At 100k, I changed the alternator, battery, (3rd), tires and a new starter. lately, 3 yrs later, (60 mph) I lost power on the freeway. The water in the radiator was down, the cylinders sounded like 3 not 4 in a 2.5 l engine. I went to two shops and was told head gasket. No mention of the rest. $4600.00 if the block is bad. Padding the estimate? I can’t get anyone to work on it.
I have people on the Nissan forum saying I have a blown head gasket. I have none of the symptoms you describe just rough idle. No overheating, no oil in radiator or water in oil. Car has excellent power and no white smoke coming from exhaust. I had a Honda civic that had the symptoms you listed and had to have a new head gasket replaced on it. The symptoms are well written and through.
My 2014 keeps blowing hoses. It over heated. So we replaced the thermostat. Then the water pump started leaking replaced it. Then a hose blew replaced it few days later another hose started leaking replaced it. Drove two days car ran great. Stop by a store noticed steam coming out from under the hood. I looked another hose was leaking antifreeze out fast. Emptied my reservoir. Then I had it towed home. Check engine light was on the whole time. The codes where for catalytic converter . I’m at a lose. We can replace the hose no problem but need to figure out why they are busting to begin with. I have only had this car for one year. Can’t afford to buy a other one. I need help. Please.
Hi I’m using c180 W204 Mercedes. Tere is pop up on my screen top up coolant use user manual ,about 2 ,3 km I stop to te rest area n shutdown te engine for at least hour. While I check on engine bay j saw coolant water was leak at te bottom of te engine. I pour water into coolant container after hour n when start te car te message clear after a while I continue i drive not even 2kilometer te car start jerk again n this time check light pop up n te off it self.
My question is
Is tat my head gasket will blown ,
My temparature shows normal n no warning heated pop .
Very helpful thank you now I know what I am facing
This was very helpful, thank you.
I just bought a car and it keeps on stalling.