The next Pomona Swap Meet and Classic Car Show is October 20th.  But, what if you’re itching to get your hands on a new ride and you can’t make it out to Pomona?  First off, there are only a few acceptable excuses for not coming out (e.g. your wife is going into labor). Don’t worry, if that’s the case, we’ve still got you covered… with the Pomona Classifieds, our very own FREE online classifieds.

Sure, it’s awesome to see 2,500+ classic cars gather on a cool October morning in Pomona.  But, when you can’t, you can still enjoy all the magic of discovery, all the variety, and all the premium selection that the Pomona Swap Meet offers… from the comfort of your home!

Whatever you’re looking for – a rare Volkswagen, some American muscle, a project car – the Pomona Classifieds have it!  Looking for rare parts, spare parts, or flashy rims?  Someone’s selling those right now!  Looking for just the right bits of scrap for your rat rod project? You might find those, too.  See, the Pomona Classifieds isn’t just for cars… it’s for everything that you could find out on the lot at our show.  Parts, trailers, auto memorabilia, tools, services… whatever you need!

And, hey, if those ’67 Dart tail lights that you’re looking for don’t happen to be listed, that’s not to say you can’t post a wanted ad! Someone else might have them, and they might be ready to part with them.  With our crowd, that’s a pretty safe bet!

So if October 20th isn’t good for you, swing by the Pomona Classifieds today!  Then come see us at our next show on December 8th (because we’re beginning to miss you)!