Some owners of classic vehicles trailer their “pride and joy” to and from events to avoid wear and tear, weather and all the other numerous hazards of the road. Then, there is the group known as So Cal Broncos, whose events and activities are centered on just such hazards. As a matter of fact, they seek out hazardous terrain for their weekend drives. They are more accustomed to needing a trailer, due to the various mishaps that can come with off-roading, than to wanting one to protect their classics. It’s not that their early Broncos, which were produced by Ford from 1966-77, aren’t beautiful trucks, they just know Broncos were made for 4-wheeling and that’s exactly what they enjoy using them for. Of course, most of them are much better suited for all the mountain and desert trails than when original, with all the upgraded equipment, fabrication and aftermarket parts available. You will get a better understanding of these “work horses”, when you come out to the April 14 Pomona Swap Meet, where the So Cal Broncos will be our Featured Car Club.

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So Cal Broncos on the trail in Big Bear, CA.

So Cal Broncos is a virtual club of sorts, which started in 2001 as an online discussion group hosted by Yahoo! Groups and thanks to lots of enthusiasm, the brotherhood has grown to hundreds of members.  They are a fun group of Bronco enthusiasts, who met on the Web and have a big appetite for getting together for weekend trail runs. “Wheeling” with friends and the preservation of ’66-’77 early Broncos is definitely the focus. The group doesn’t have any membership dues nor do they hold any official meetings, unless you call the Annual Big Bear Bronco Bash held in Big Bear, CA, a “meeting”. At the Bash, they get together for several days of trail rides, varying from pretty extreme to mostly scenic, potluck dinners and good stories with friendly people. Of course, the main attractions of the Big Bear Bronco Bash are the trails around Big Bear.  Most pass through historic mining or ranching areas and climb to lofty heights with gorgeous views of the valleys below. There are plenty of rocks to provide challenges, some water crossings, many different climate zones and varying vegetation. Whether stock or heavily modified, the trails in and around the Big Bear area allow everyone a great adventure.

AchBronco PhotoThe Bronco Bash was initially intended as a way to get the wives, girlfriends—the whole family—to come out on the Bronco outings. Their normal trips to the desert, sleeping in tents and doing their business behind bushes, was just a tad too “rough” for some of the fairer among them. Big Bear would allowed them to stay in comfortable cabins with all the amenities of home, and a hot shower and soft bed after a day on the trail. Obviously, it caught on because twelve years later, So Cal Broncos is still at it and the event draws nearly 100 Broncos, some from as far away as Canada. This year’s BBBBXII will be held on June 7, 8 & 9. More info.

While they love to spend time wheelin’, they also work hard to give back to the off-road community. Several members have donated their time to go through the necessary classes to become Patrol Leaders for the San Bernardino National Forest. Some have logged over 1000 hours of donated time.  Danny Bogner, who lives in Sugarloaf, is a great asset to So Cal Broncos. He spends upwards of 5+ days each week on the trails doing everything from making sure campers are safe and have required permits to operating heavy machinery to clear, fix and maintain trails when needed. The group knows that OHV use in the National Forest depends upon the efforts of volunteers and their partnerships with businesses that care about the outdoors.  For this reason, So Cal Broncos participates in the Adopt-A-Trail Program. Without volunteers maintaining the trails, they would become overgrown and eventually not be reasonably passable, ending in state closures. Conservation and education has always been important to the off-roading community and these causes are certainly a priority for this group.

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A nice climb at Tierra Del Sol desert safari.

Be sure to stop by and meet the So Cal Broncos, check out their rigs, get tech advice and find out how to join them on their next outing. Everybody is welcome to get in on the fun by joining their Yahoo message group, where their next adventure is always in the works. They will have a display of their unique and hard working vehicles parked on the Main Aisle, in the Vintage Vehicle Show/Sell Section, at the April 14 Pomona Swap Meet.

-Matt Zarzana