Any Pre-1985 Car or Truck is now a Classic at the Pomona Swap Meet. Even this 1985 IROC-Z

Are you still wearing parachute pants and neon colors?  Then 1985 might seem like yesterday, but that was 28 years ago.  And believe it or not, cars and trucks from the late 70’s and early 80’s are now becoming collectible.

The Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show recognizes this and has expanded its cars and trucks for show and sale areas to include Pre-1985 vehicles. Beginning with our upcoming December 2nd show, the admission of your 1985 or older car is $25. This price includes the admission of the driver, one passenger and parking in the middle of the action!

We recognize that there are great American & import vehicles from the late 70’s and early 80’s. Cars from this time frame have met and surpassed their 25 year marker and are becoming harder to find. So the next time you see a 1985 IROC Z at a stop light, you may want to look twice at an upcoming classic!