The Daggers Club of Orange County came out to the August 12th Pomona Swap Meet as our Featured Car Club. It sure was great getting to know them all and seeing just how passionate they are about their classic cars and club. Thanks for coming out and see you all soon.

Club Members of Daggers Orange County

Club Members of Daggers Orange County

Frank Viera 48 Buick Convertable Pick-Up

Frank Viera 48 Buick Convertable Pick-Up


George Tantaradini with his “53 GMC









Russell Galindo '48 Chevy

Russell Galindo showing of his ’48 Chevy










Tony Rodriquez '49 Ford Coupe'

Tony Rodriquez’s ’49 Ford Coupe’


Ben Lester '51 Plymouth Convertible

Ben Lester and his ’51 Plymouth Convertible










Pablo Aguilar '46 Ford

Pablo Aguilar and his cool blue ’46 Ford


Ralph Vanbuskirk '52 GMC Pick-up

Ralph Vanbuskirk’s custom ’52 GMC Pick-up










Vince Espinoza '51 Chevy

Vince Espinoza pictured with his ’51 Chevy


Marcos Aguilar '50 Plymouth

Marcos Aguilar’s 1950 Plymouth










Drew Reyes '31

Drew Reyes and his custom ’31