Over The Hill Gang-San Bernardino
March 28, 2012

Dennis Thayer’s ’33 3-Window Coupe
San Bernardino is a city full of historical significance and has been home to many innovators and innovations. In 1883, the California Southern Railroad established a route through the city to link Los Angeles with the rest of the nation. The McDonald’s restaurant chain, along with its innovative concept, was founded by the McDonald brothers, in the city, in 1940. Then in 1942, World War II brought an Air Force Base.
The people of Berdoo have always embraced the city’s important past. Especially entrenched in its historic culture are the area’s auto enthusiasts.
In the 1950’s, E Street was among the elite of the Southland’s cruising hot spots. The rodding culture thrived for years and thanks to auto upholsterer Tom Skerkel and a couple fellow street rodders from San Diego, Craig Lake and John Pickel, a car club was founded in the city in 1973. He headed the San Bernadino Chapter, while Craig and John founded the chapter in San Diego. They decided after a run to Lodi, to call their club the Over The Hill Gang. The name was taken from an early 1969 TV movie, by the same name. The OTHG car club now has chapters all over the United States, as well as chapters in Canada and Australia.
The Over the Hill Gang-San Bernardino Chapter became innovators themselves. In 1990, they started the Route 66 Car Show, which has evolved into an impressive 4 day automotive event, attracting over 2,000 vehicles and over 500,000 spectators. The club pioneered “burnout contests” and “open header” contests at its events, as well as some of the first 1/8 mile drags.
The OTHG-Berdoo’s nearly 300 members will celebrate the club’s 39th anniversary this July. They organize a car show each June at Arrowhead Lanes, in San Bernardino, CA and attend numerous area events, including Rialto’s Run Whatcha Brung Car Show. The members are also heavily involved with the Veteran’s Hospital Benefit Car Show, at the Jerry Pettis VA Medical Center, raising thousands of dollars to help homeless veterans.
You can visit their website at http://www.othg-sanbernardino.org or email them for more info.
-Matt Zarzana
Hi someone give me a call about some old auto manuals if someone in your group would like them can’t just toss them 909 4999563 Al
You’re welcome, Jack. Always great to see the Over the Hill Gang Berdoo guys and their vehicles. Hope you can all make it out again soon.
Thanks for the great article, as one of the founding members its been a great 39 years of friends and fun. Thanks Jack