Making Friends In Pomona
March 27, 2012
It’s another great So. Cal day at the Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show! Oh Yea!!
I attended the March 4th event with anxious enthusiasm, as I do each event attended. Pomona is like a huge tailgate party without any games to interrupt the action.
People make the trek from all over the West Coast, as I have discovered, making new friends from Nevada, Arizona and of course, So Cal. As I casually stroll the rows and rows of classic cars and parts, I am amazed at the groups of friends socializing around their BBQ’s, swapping stories; talking shop and watching the cars go by.
Pomona has some of the friendliest folks I have ever run into. Today, I wore my “Official” shirt. I thought I would blend in, but apparently not. I was asked many questions regarding my affiliations by this curious crowd. As I stop to explain how assists car nuts in locating the best car shows in their local area, I am a perplexed with how friendly the Pomona folks are. After being offered freshly BBQ delicacies, cold beverages and warm friendships, I have realized the car culture is all about friendships new and old.
At the show you will meet the most sociable people around. If you have a question about your ride, Pomona is the place to connect with the people who can give you the best answers. There are folks who perform all manner of vehicle services, as well. Say you need pinstriping? Well, you can easily get it done while-u-wait by a beautiful, friendly and very talented lady. Products, yes, Pomona has them; bed-liners, polished rims, sound-proofing or carne asada… There is a guy/gal there to answer your needs.
The automotive hobby was founded on friendships. Guys’ working on each other’s cars in the driveway or going out in the middle of the night to rescue a buddy’s broken down rod; the friendships developed over time in this area are long lasting. It’s about being there for each other, sharing stories, adventures, helping out and sharing your own vehicle expertise with someone else.
There are swap meets all over the country, but only the Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show is themed and dedicated to our cars and our love for cars! C’mon out and meet your next ol’ friend!
-Ken Heath, CurbsideTV