Seth Ross at Utopia Tools


The old expression, “if you can’t fix it, duct it” is so common partially, because most hot rodders and car restorers have found the indispensability of duct tape to be a saving grace at some point. Let’s face it though, despite it’s reputation as the universal tool, duct tape leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately, visitors to the Utopia Tools’ swap space have discovered several products that beat what they can find at the local hardware store; including XTape and MXBon 105, an incredible adhesive. Both products are really hot sellers at the table and have created converts from people used to ordinary, off-the-shelf products.

So what’s so special about XTape? It was originally designed for the military and is actually a high-quality silicone compound which fuses to itself when wrapped under tension. In other words, there’s really no traditional adhesive but, rather, the tape fuses to itself when stretched. And it stays fused.

Speaking with Seth Ross from Utopia Tools he said the tape was originally designed to fix fuel lines in military aviation applications. For example, if someone shoots out your fuel line, this tape can be used under pressure (there’s no pressure like someone shooting at you!) to make repairs.

Seth stays busy with "Swappers" who need his great products.

Ross has seen the tape used on exhaust pipes, hydraulic lines, hoses and more. Of course, you can use it on ducts, too. But even though XTape sticks to itself when stretched, it actually doesn’t have a traditional adhesive. This is one of those products you just have to see to believe and you can see it at the Pomona Swap Meet. And, while you’re marveling at their tape, don’t forget to check out the glue as well.

Seth gets to speak with a lot of fellow auto nuts at the show.  He often asks them what uses they’ve found for this incredible glue. He’s heard from plenty of car fans who have mixed the adhesive with baking soda to create a nice filling agent. He’s seen others take metal shavings and accomplish the same thing. “Most people are used to the consumer-grade glues – this is much better”, claims Ross. While several companies make a lot of claims about the products they represent, Ross attends various car, farm and other similar shows because his products are the “you gotta see this to believe it” type of thing. Seth continually returns vending these wonder products because, once people have tried the glues and tapes, they want more.”We keep doing the same shows for years”, said Ross.

XTape - silicone repair tape that resists extreme enviroments and fuses to itself with no adhesive to deteriorate.

If you want to get stuck on a better glue or tape, maybe a visit to Utopia Tools’ swap space might be a good place to start. We don’t really have a better rhyme for their silicone tape, but we definitely have some great places it’s saved more than our ducts! Utopia Tools can be found on the Main Aisle C, Spaces 11 and 12 at Pomona.

This article was written by Tony Barthel from the Curbside Auto Column and Car Show Calendar. For auto articles, news and an on-line calendar of automotive events, please visit

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