So Much To See, So Little Time
January 5, 2012
This is the first installment of a new series of articles about a Southern California institution, The Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show. I think we should go over the basics. For the uninitiated, the PSM has been around since 1975 and they produce seven shows a year transforming the parking area next to the drag strip into a huge automotive experience and so much more!
First off, the Car Show is the Car Show, and the Swap Meet is the Swap Meet, if you want to sell parts, you can’t do it from the Car Show side of the street, (them’s the rules).
The folks at the PSM are very protective of our automotive heritage and have very defined parameters for entrants; basically, if your vehicle was made after 1975 you can pay a pretty substantial entry fee to participate, unless it’s a Corvette or a Porsche. Those two marquis are welcome regardless of year, but, running, stock vehicles built prior to 1931 drive through the gate for free!
The PSM is sooo big, wear sturdy walking shoes and get there early. I mean dark 0’clock! The spectator gate opens at 5:00 a.m. and the vendors are waiting to show you their wares.
I arrived at Gate 15 and checked in with Derrick, the man who knows EVERYTHING that’s going on! He gave me a short tour, pointing out where everything usually is, and then he turned me loose to roam. I started at Gate 17, the spectator entrance. As you walk through the turnstiles, immediately to the right is the south end vendor area which has a heavy concentration of VW/Porsche vendors. To my left, parked in nice neat rows, were the Volkswagens and Porsches being shown along with other imports. The event’s featured car club that day was The West Coast Bays. They had a great showing of their Bays of which I spent a nice time meeting the club members.
You can find pretty much anything your project vehicle might need, from LED bulbs to engine cases and everything else, there is row after row of new and used parts, vintage license plates (both US and European), books, magazines, toys and novelties. Interspersed throughout the great deals are food vendors offering all manner of treats to eat and drink, they’ve even got beer vendors here and there for responsible adult consumption. There are many vendors who are ‘fixtures’, they can be found in the same place each and every show, which can really be nice so you know you can find them next time you need something.
Besides all the serious stuff, (parts & supplies), I found some fun stuff too… VW-specific decals & patches, t-shirts, and lots & lots of toys! Die-cast models, motorized toys, kiddie-cars and wagons. Speaking of wagons, don’t forget to bring a wagon, cart or handtruck to tote your purchases around – there’s so much you’ll want to take home! I’ll be back at the next event held January 15th. I’ll be the guy mixed in with thousands of other wide-eyed, in the early morning hours, perusing the roads wearing a yellow Curbside.TV shirt. If you spot me, be sure to say, “Hi”.
Till next time – Keep Swappin’,
Ken –