There’s No Business Like Show Business
November 22, 2011
As Long As It Is An Auto Show
THE 34TH ANNUAL “Run to the Sun” car show was presented on October 19-23 by the Rods and Relics car club of Lake Havasu City. The event was held on the golf course next to the beautiful Nautical Inn on the island at Lake Havasu, Arizona. This event showcases hundreds of outstanding classic cars vying for awards in a variety of categories. There were 728 cars entered, all pre 1972, and 132 car clubs were represented.
There were no spectator numbers available as we went to press, but take it from an eyewitness, the crowds were huge. There were entrants from Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Canada. The organization was first class, with booths offering a wide variety of food and drink, including a BBQ’d, smoked turkey leg that I could not resist. There I was walking around, visiting with folks, gnawing on my turkey leg, sipping a cold beer and taking pictures of some of the most beautiful cars in the world. It just doesn’t get any better.
I had the pleasure of entering my 1940 Ford convertible in the street rod category. I thought my car was beautiful. It had enough wax on it to start my own wax museum. The valve covers were so highly polished you could use them as shaving mirrors. Every nut, bolt, was chromed and polished the wiring was neatly shrouded and tied down. My car did get an honorable mention from my neighbors.
I’m happy to report that the cars that did win truly deserved the awards and the recognition. Every car at the show was a work of art, representing thousands of hours of thought, design and labor. From the paint to the smallest details in the undercarriage and engine these owners/builders are true artists. They are sculptors in metal and fiberglass, technicians bringing a bygone era back to life. These cars are true Americana, recalling a time in history when the good old USA dominated the market through mass production technology and design innovation – a time of pride in our country and our success.
Take a look!
I wish we had more space for photos, this is just a small sampling of all that was on display, but you get the idea, that if you cannot appreciate the marriage of function and beauty, you will never truly appreciate the classic automobile.
A side note; as I strolled around, wearing my Pomona Swap Meet hat and shirt, people would give me a thumbs up salute “hey Pomona, right on, I go there all the time”.
Ah! Show biz, this is my kinda crowd.
-Citizen Wayne 73