Hot Rods By The Yard!
You might think that finding a fabric salesperson and a seamstress at an auto related swap meet is somewhat strange. That’s because you never met Kathy Karns of “Baggie Bags”. Kathy is a special lady featuring the sales of unique car fabrics selling by the yard to Pomona Swap Meet customers. Kathy’s fabrics are also offered as finished products. Her specialties include aprons, shirts, tote bags and helmet bags.

Kathy supplies boldly colored fabrics which feature: Route 66, Chevy prints from Camaro to Corvettes, Hot rods, Skulls (a swap meet favorite), and Ford prints will be coming soon.

When you visit the Pomona Swap Meet, you will be doing yourself a favor by stopping by Road 24, Space 25 to visit Kathy and see her truly unique products. You will be impressed. Kathy performs custom work and her fabrics are so original that you will not find them at the chain fabric stores. With the holidays quickly approaching, who knows, you might need a new custom Christmas stocking. Feel free to contact Kathy at (562) 865-6168 for your classic car fabric needs.

Like so many of our folks, being a swap meet vendor is a second (or third career) for Kathy. She previously was a stage mother, raising four children who acted in movies and commercials. It was a busy time for her and after the children were living on their own, Kathy decided to go into business for herself. She had a friend who sold at the swap meet for years who convinced Kathy to come on out and give it a shot. We’re glad she did. She is a welcome addition to the Pomona Swap Meet family of vendors.

PDF Map of Vendor Spaces

-Citizen Wayne 73