Featured Car Club
October 6, 2011
The Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc.
Who could stand to learn a little more about the Studebaker? I know I could and that’s why we are excited to welcome members of the Studebaker Drivers Club as our Featured Car Club, at the October 16th Pomona Swap Meet.The Studebaker Company was founded in 1852 by the 5 Studebaker Brothers and was the only successful company to transition from building covered wagons to automobiles. In the Studebaker Club, you can find antiques from the early 1900’s all the way to the uniquely designed Avanti, which was produced in 1963 & 1964.
The Studebaker Drivers Club promotes the preservation of Studebaker and there are 3 club chapters in the Los Angeles, CA area representing over 200 family memberships. All chapters promote family oriented activities along with showing, driving, and displaying their Studebaker automobiles. Each chapter does its part to help the community, with proceeds from club events benefiting local charities. They encourage everyone who has a passion for Studebakers to join both a local chapter as well as the International Club, which has over 14,000 members world-wide.Upcoming Studebaker Club Events for 2011 include the Pacific Southwest Zone Meet at the Town & Country Hotel in San Diego, CA on October 21-23, and the Annual Old World Meet in Huntington Beach, CA on November 12th at the Old World Shopping Center. For more information regarding the Studebaker Drivers Club, stop by and visit the club on the main aisle, next to the Pomona Classifieds booth or contact Don Cox at 951-734-1816 (evenings) or eMail Don at: [email protected]