The Bonneville Salt Flats in Northwestern Utah

The Bonneville Salt Flats in Northwestern Utah

The Bonneville Salt Flats in Northwestern Utah is central to the history of motorsports.  It is the fastest race course in the world with scores of world land speed records having been set on the Flats, the first of which being 141.73 mph in 1914. The “National Landmark” is home to the historic circular race track and the 10-12 mile long International Track.  During the 1930’s and 1940’s the Bonneville Salt Flats was able to support the weight of 10-ton twin-engine streamliners that roared down the 13.5-mile long race courses.  The Hot Rods roared onto the salt flats in 1949 with the first Speed Week event and have run every year since, with the exception of a few years due to bad weather.  I can remember hearing about “Bonneville” and the “Blue Flame” before I was old enough to know what racing was all about.  The famed black line of the Salt Flats has been used to break speed records, the sound barrier and of course a few engines and hearts along the way.  There have been books written, movies made and songs sung about the flats and the racing that is a tradition and lifestyle for those who participate.

Unfortunately, this iconic proving ground has been steadily shrinking in size.  As a result of decades of salt removal by an adjoining potash mining operation, the Salt Flats have decreased in size, strength and thickness.  The Salt Flats which were once 96,000 acres in size have been diminished to about 30,000 acres.  As salt is removed by the mining operation, the size of the race tracks and suitability of the surface for racing is greatly diminished.  Preservation of this fragile resource will be crucial to this motorsports existence, as well as this Historic Landmark.

This public land and its preservation are under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  To aid in the management of the public lands, they ask that visitors follow proper land use etiquette such as Tread Lightly! and Leave No Trace.  The BLM has also conducted multiple studies to confirm that salt is being removed and not adequately replaced by the mining operation.  For decades, they have been working to understand the problem and find a viable solution.

Save the Salt, an organization founded in 1989 with the goal of reversing the salt depletion, includes members from the Southern California Timing Assn. (SCTA), Bonneville Nationals Inc. (BNI) and Utah Salt Flats Racing Assn. (USFRA).  For decades, they have been instrumental in working with the BLM and chemical companies (currently Intrepid Wendover Potash, LLC) to solve this continuing problem by attempting to replenish salt to the flats via the Salt Laydown Project.   Brine water is pumped via canals from the mining operation back onto the Salt Flats where it is discharged and added to the natural salt crust layers at Bonneville.  This had been somewhat successful, having added 8.2 million tons of salt to the flats and, at times, racers have noticed a difference in the hardness and durability of the racecourse.  Some race courses have even been extended.

Unfortunately, Intrepid has slowed down the pumping and the worry of the Bonneville Salt Flats wearing away is at the front of racers and racing organizations minds.

These effort needs to be extended and with Public Land Order 6941: with 30,203 acres of Bonneville Salt Flats withdrawn from surface entry and mining set to expire in 2012, a permanent solution needs to be found for protecting the area.  There needs to be a federal mandate now and forever.

Forever; so that my children and grandchildren will have their own “Blue Flame” to name their wagons, bikes or cars after, as I did.

Please contact the BLM to urge for a permanent solution:
The Honorable Robert Abbey
Director, Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Department of the Interior
e-mail: [email protected]
fax: 202-208-5242

Anyone wishing to contribute to the Save the Salt fund may do so by mailing to:
Save The Salt
Russ Eyres
3673 Millikin Ave.
San Diego, Ca. 92122

For information on World of Speed events at Bonneville contact:
Utah Salt Flats Racing Association
e-mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 27365
SLC, UT 84127-0365

For Speedweek and World Finals news and info contact:
Southern California Timing Association (SCTA)
e-mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 10
Orosi, CA 93647

For BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials at Bonneville contact: