Over the Hill Gang – Apple Valley


On August 14th, the Pomona Swap Meet will welcome the Over the Hill Gang-Apple Valley as our Featured Car Club. The club will be gathering to do what auto enthusiast enjoy most; showing a wide range of classic cars, swapping stories and information, shopping and having a great time hanging out together. The Over the Hill Gang is not as old as one might think – just their cars. This forward thinking “youthful” group of “hot rod” enthusiasts is very lively with monthly meetings, cruise nights and club events that are “Fun With A Purpose”.

This family-oriented club was formed in 1988 as the 10th Chapter of one of the largest car clubs in the U.S. and members of the High Desert Car Club Council. They are also one of the busiest. This club is very active in the high desert, and they really make a difference to the many charities that they support. Aside from their upcoming October 8th “Cruise for the Cure” show at the Tanger Outlet Center, the club has an April show with the City of Hesperia and The Relay for Life, “Cars & Cures”. These shows, which both support the American Cancer Society, raise funds which the Over the Hill Gang -Apple Valley also use to support Meals-on-Wheels, Route 66 Museum and many others, as needs arise.

It’s not all work, though, for the members of the Over The Hill Gang. They enjoy family day trips, in their classics, to locations such as The Midway in San Diego, March Air Reserve Base, The Petersen and Nethercutt Museums and a much anticipated, proposed trip to Jay Leno’s Garage. Members always enjoy entering their vehicles in support of other local shows as well. In addition, club members have fun participating in ice cream runs, hamburger runs and the “you name it” runs.

The Over The Hill Gang-Apple Valley is very fortunate to have such a kinetic group of people, who are always ready and willing to ‘work for the cause’ and always out to have a good time. We at the Pomona Swap Meet applaud their efforts and are happy to have them joining us for a day at the swap meet. If you are interested in becoming a member, checking out the club member’s cars, sharing stories or just saying “Hi”, you will find them on the main aisle next to the Pomona Classified booth, in the Vintage show/sale section. You can also visit their website www.overthehillgang-applevalley.com for more club details, events and photos.

Matt Zarzana