The Iconic Ford Edsel

Come See The Car That Had Its Reputation Destroyed By Madison Avenue Hyper-Hype Before It Was Ever Shown

The Pomona Swap Meet will host the Southlanders Edsel Owners Club at the June 5th Swap Meet. This group of owners will gather at the meet to show off their beautiful Edsel automobiles and have a great time meeting and greeting friends and visitors. You will catch them gathered on the main aisle in the vintage vehicle section next to the Pomona Classifieds Booth.

The Edsel is a classic – roomy, comfortable, lots of innovations and tons of horsepower. The folks that own them, love them.

I discussed the upcoming show with Larry Noper, a member of the Southlanders Edsel Owners Club, and found that this club is the first Edsel club in the U.S. Subsequently, the club spread from SoCal across the country and around the world as the Edsel Owners Club. The local club has 75-80 members and we expect 20 or so to show up at the June 5th Pomona Swap Meet. As is typical of most automobile clubs, this is a family oriented organization drawn together by their love of their vehicles.

We welcome the group and look forward to sharing pictures and comments from the visit in our next publication.

Citizen Wayne