The Pomona Swap Meet Suits Our Men And Women In Uniform To A “T”
April 14, 2010
Well, actually… a “T”-shirt!
In the movie, “The Wizard of OZ”, Dorothy says, “There is no place like home.”
When we travel, we all look forward to getting back home, especially if it’s here in the good ol’ US of A. Home is where the heart is; home sweet home, keep the home fires burning, the green-green grass of home, even ET wanted to “go home.”
When we are gone for a long period of time, we enjoy letters, pictures and other reminders of where we belong. This is especially true of our service men and women stationed around the globe. They know our prayers and best wishes are with them always, but sometimes they would like a more tangible reminder of their roots. Such was the case with a group of soldiers from Task Force Mustang 1/111 FA located in Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo.
A few weeks ago Kim Cross, Vice President of the Pomona Swap Meet and Classic Car Show, received an email from SGT Chris Fortune of the Task force indicating that some of the men had visited the Swap Meet several times over the years and were familiar with the offerings. These are car guys. Of course most guys are car guys! I admit to being mesmerized when I see a 1940 Ford coupe convertible that has been beautifully restored. We’re proud of our rolling art.
The group of soldiers started reminiscing about the meet, talking about their cars and what their plans were when they got back home. For a little while – Kosovo, the war, time and distance were forgotten. The thousands of miles were bridged as they imagined walking the roads of the Swap Meet with family or friends looking at parts and old cars, sports cars, hot rods and other goodies. They decided that what they needed were Pomona Swap Meet T-shirts! Hence the email to Kim, who said, “Sure, what sizes?” She was impressed when the majority of the request was for XXL’s. Why? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words:
Last week Kim received an email from SSG Torres: “Hello Kim, I’m SSG Torres. SGT Chris Fortune asked me to email you these pictures of some of the troops wearing the Pomona Car Swap Meet t-shirts. He was sorry he couldn’t get them to you sooner, but he was sent on a mission up north and couldn’t email them to you. We both live in the Diamond Bar area and have been to the Pomona Car Swap Meet a few times. It’s a great place to find stuff for vintage cars.
Some of the soldiers do own vintage cars or trucks from Chevy, Ford, and Dodge and are working to restore them. I myself own a 1953 Packard Clipper and hope to rebuild the engine when I return home.
On behalf of our troops from TASK FORCE MUSTANG 1/144 FA here at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo I want to thank you for your support.”
SSG Torres, we want to thank you and all the soldiers of Task Force Mustang 1/144 FA and all our military around the world for their service in protecting our country and freeing others from the chains of tyranny. Our debt to you is one that can never be repaid. Just know that your sacrifices will never be forgotten. It is because of you and people like you throughout history that we can truly sing “our country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty”. It is liberty and freedom for over 200 years that has made this country the greatest on earth. Liberty and freedom are fragile and must be nurtured and protected lest we fall victims to tyranny. You, and folks like you, are our line of defense insuring that this does not happen.
-Citizen Wayne